Video: How to train your dog not to be afraid of the vacuum - Dr. Marty Becker


Video: How to train your dog not to be afraid of the vacuum

Friday, Mar 8th, 2019 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Dog in bed with chew toy while vacuum runs

Few noises are more universally hated and feared by pets than that monster, the vacuum cleaner. But you can teach your dog to accept and not fear his former enemy (and yes, it involves treats!).

In this latest video in her ongoing training series with our friends at Bissell, my daughter, trainer Mikkel Becker, shares her secrets to taking the scare out of vaccuming (and unfortunately eliminate one of the best of all excuses for putting off the chore!).

Check it out below:

(This post is not sponsored by Bissell, but they are a valued sponsor of Fear Free.)