Unless you went through the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the Great Depression of 1929, you wouldn’t really know what we’re going through now as a community, county, country, continent, and world facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if you were an adult in 1918 and 1929, the panic of a virus and of economic disaster didn’t happen at the same time, everywhere, like we’re seeing now.
One thing you’ve probably noticed is that there is a very thin line between prudence and panic when there is uncertainty and fear. I’ll never understand hoarding toilet paper. Maybe that’s because I live in the forests of Northern Idaho and we’ll never fun out of pine needles. Ha.
Last week started like almost any other week and ended in a way few can comprehend. In times of uncertainty (sinking sand, if you will), humans fall back on things they feel are certain. These bedrock things often include first responders, doctors, family, friends, and faith. Also, coworkers, neighbors, online groups, and, of course, our beloved pets. There are many people who don’t have family or friends close by or at all, but have pets. What is more certain than the love of a pet? We already know they don’t care if you’re rich or poor, black or white, Christian or Muslim, having a bad hair day or a no-hair day from the last round of chemo. They provide us unconditional love, limitless affection, to die-for loyalty, and laughter, things that are of great value at times like this.
I used to end a national radio show by saying, “There’s only one greatest pet in the world and every family has her.” With all the unexpected time we have to share with our beloved pets, we’ll be even more certain of the fact that we, and we alone, were blessed with the most amazing pets. Nobody is jealous of your family, because they have exactly what you have. What a rich blessing!
No matter how long we shelter in place, quarantine, work from home, or social distance, our four-legged children will continue to warm our laps and our beds, give us kisses, make us laugh, and know the blessing of agape love. And because they use their tongues as toilet paper, even our butt-wipe is safe!
Please know you and your loved ones of all species are in Teresa’s and my prayers every day. We will come through this together!