Phoenix police officer rescues kittens left in dumpster - Dr. Marty Becker


Phoenix police officer rescues kittens left in dumpster

Wednesday, Aug 20th, 2014 | By Dr. Marty Becker

phoenixofficerkittenOfficer Heather Krimm was one of the police officers who responded to a report of kittens abandoned in a dumpster in Phoenix, Ariz.

Officer Krimm, with the approval or her superior officer and the help of the Arizona Humane Society, took the kittens home and is caring for them until they’re old enough to be adopted.

On their Facebook page, the Phoenix Police Department posted this message:

The Arizona Humane Society and the Phoenix Police Department simply ask this of our citizens; if you own a pet and you are having difficulty caring for them please visit the Arizona Humane Society’s web page at to find a wealth of information and assistance in caring for pets, including connections to the many organizations around the valley who are also willing to help.

Animal cruelty is a crime that is punishable by law. If for no other reason than that, let’s give our pets a fighting chance. WHY JUST THROW THEM AWAY?

Huge thanks to Officer Krimm and the Phoenix PD for their great compassion!