Michigan Pet Fund helps shelter pets get veterinary care - Dr. Marty Becker


Michigan Pet Fund helps shelter pets get veterinary care

Friday, Feb 13th, 2015 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Sam Adams — the puppy, not the patriot — had a broken leg when he was left at a Michigan shelter. Fortunately, he benefited from a special fund that helps rescue groups save at-risk dogs and cats:


Samuel Adams is about 5 months old and all puppy!  He had a rough start being left at an over crowded pound with a broken tibia.  Shelter to Home was able to pull him from the pound and splint his leg for a month until it healed.  Being all puppy, he had a rough time following doctor’s orders and staying calm.  His energy, in addition to his growth, required him to have a new splint almost every week.  He went to see a surgeon after the tibia healed as it appeared that he might have had another issue with a break.  The surgeon took a look and gave us great news, all Samuel needed was some physical therapy so his muscles and bones would get back to normal.

Best news of all? Now he’s been adopted!

The Michigan Pet Fund Alliance created the Judith Middleton Kroon Life Saving Program Fund from a bequest by an animal-loving donor, plus donations.

With the grants of $100 to $200, rescue groups have greater latitude to pull senior pets or those with medical or behavior problems from shelters and provide the care or training they need until they can be placed in homes.

Want to support their wonderful work? Visit their website and select “Judith Middleton Kroon Fund.”

Read more, including about jealousy in dogs, in this week’s Pet Connection!