Your dog’s paws are the foundation of his anatomy. He depends on them not only to take him places, but also to provide traction on snow, ice or other slick surfaces and to help protect him from pain when he’s walking on rocky terrain or hot asphalt.
For good reason, then, paw maintenance is one of the most important aspects of grooming your dog. That includes trimming the nails regularly, trimming the hair between the toes or on the bottom of the feet, and protecting the pads from injuries such as burns and bruises. It’s also one of the more neglected areas of grooming.
Most dogs dislike having their paws handled, and put up a fuss about it. And at one time or another, just about everyone has accidentally “quicked” a dog – cutting into the vein supplying blood to a dog’s toenail – and the screaming and blood flow aren’t something that anyone wants to repeat: neither you nor the dog. It’s all too easy to throw up our hands and beat feet for something more fun to do, but the following tips will help you get a handle on your dog’s paw care.
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