The pros and cons of pet Halloween costumes - Dr. Marty Becker


The pros and cons of pet Halloween costumes

Tuesday, Oct 27th, 2015 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Pets are a part of our lives, which means they go to parties, events, and out trick-or-treating with us. A reader wants input on whether Halloween costumes for pets are spooktacular or just a big boo. (And at the bottom you’ll find a video of some big dogs getting their Halloween on from our friends at Petcha!)

Q: I want to get a dinosaur costume for our dog for Halloween, but my boyfriend thinks he (the dog) will be embarrassed and it would be cruel to make him wear it. I think it would be cute and that he would love all the attention he would get (he loves people).

A: People have strong opinions on everything pet-related, so it’s not surprising that they are sharply divided when it comes to pets wearing clothes or costumes. We happen to fall into the “it can be fun” category (that’s our own QT in the photo!). After all, our dogs and cats usually love doing things that involve being with us and being the center of our attention. That said, we have some tips to help make dressing up for Halloween a treat, not a trick, for your pet.

  • Be sensitive to his personality. It’s true that some pets would rather hide under the bed than wear a costume, especially in public. If your pet is shy, old or excessively dignified, limit costume capers to a spooky bandana and put your dress-up desires into your own costume.
  • Comfort is a must. Never choose anything that restricts your pet’s movement, sight or hearing or that seems to chafe against his skin or fur. If he spends all his time trying to get it off, that’s a good clue that he’s not enjoying wearing it. It’s also a good idea to avoid any costumes with buttons, bows or other parts that your pet could chew off and swallow.
  • Be street-safe. If you’re planning on taking him trick-or-treating, his costume (and yours) should be visible in the dark. If it’s not, fancy up his costume with a collar and leash that blink or glow in the dark.
  • Be smart. Try the costume on your pet well in advance. You don’t want to find out on Halloween that your Pug refuses to go out dressed as a ladybug.

All this and more in this week’s Pet Connection!

Funny Halloween Costumes For Big And Small DogsWho says big dogs can’t be cute and little dogs can’t be badasses? We dressed big dogs up in pretty Halloween costumes and small dogs in tough guy costumes. The results are laugh-out-loud funny and just might give you a few ideas for your own dog’s Halloween costume this year.See more pet care videos on

Posted by Petcha on Tuesday, October 13, 2015