You probably know that the sweetener xylitol is highly toxic to pets. What you might not know is all the different types of products in which it’s found.
When you’re shopping, check labels for xylitol in peanut and other nut butters; protein bars; toothpaste (one of the reasons not to brush pets’ teeth with toothpaste for humans), even if it’s labeled “natural”; chewing gum; candy; mints; antacids; melatonin; flavored fish oil supplements; sleep aids; chewable vitamins and probiotics; and even body butters and moisturizers that your pet might lick off your skin.
Check anything that’s flavored or labeled as sugar-free.
There’s more in Pet Connection, the weekly nationally syndicated pet feature I co-write with Kim Campbell Thornton and my daughter, trainer Mikkel Becker.