There are few things that make my blood boil as much as the misery of a dog who is imprisoned in a puppy mill to be used to produce puppies until they can’t reproduce anymore. Dogs are capable of so much love, sociability, and activity — and require enrichment and to have their social needs met — that it’s no surprise many dogs rescued from these places are behaviorally as well as physically damaged.
This little guy was rescued at the age of 9 after a lifetime in a puppy mill by National Mill Dog Rescue, which has been working to save dogs trapped in puppy mill nightmares for 11 years now.
When they brought Freddie into their care, they gave him his very first bed. I got tears in my eyes watching him circle and snuggle and sniff and even try to chew it (although since his previous life had left him without any teeth, no damage was done).
They rescued Freddie last May, but recently announced he has been adopted. You’re a good dog, Freddie! I hope it’s all soft beds from here on out!