The Dog Who Lived: Another chapter in his story - Dr. Marty Becker


The Dog Who Lived: Another chapter in his story

Thursday, Feb 6th, 2020 | By Dr. Marty Becker


From lying on the brink of death from starvation, covered in flies and weighing only 19 pounds, to where he is today, Lazaruff is a dog who has lived quite a life.

You probably already know his story — if not, it’s here — and that Teresa and I helped save him and brought him from Louisiana to Idaho to find him a home. After the first home couldn’t keep him due to illness in the family, with the help of the Home to Home program at Panhandle Animal Shelter, this sweet boy was adopted by Angie and Taylor Dribben, also here in Northern Idaho. They re-named him Wendell Lazaruff Dribben.

Now he’ll be embarking on a new journey, as his family relocates to Virginia! We’ll be having a big send-off for him via Facebook Live on Saturday, February 15, at 1:30 pm Pacific/4:30 pm Eastern Time. Please join us then on my Facebook page!