How to end the doggy bathtime drama for good! - Dr. Marty Becker


How to end the doggy bathtime drama for good!

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Quixote bathHave you ever wondered why your dog loves to walk through muddy puddles, do a face-plant in the sprinkler, or dive into the lake, but hates to get even his feet wet in a bath?

Simply put, it’s because giving up his choice of place, time and terms for a bath are the ingredients for doggy hell.

So, unless you enjoy having your morning coffee interrupted by someone asking if you want your nose hairs pulled out, stop calling your dog to a bath with “Time for your baaaath!” or even asking, “Do you want your bath now?”

Just do it in a matter of fact way, like it’s no big deal for either of you. No more dramatics at bathtime!