Merry Christmas - and support for those who aren't merry - Dr. Marty Becker


Merry Christmas – and support for those who aren’t merry

Tuesday, Dec 24th, 2019 | By Dr. Marty Becker

This is such an important time of year for our family, but it can also be a painful and dark one for many people, like me, who struggle with depression, as well as for those facing loss, economic struggles, job loss, divorce, and other challenges.

Please know that our family’s prayers are with you this season, and that there are people who want to hear from you and help you.

In the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (even if you don’t feel actively suicidal, they want you to call!) at 1-800-273-8255.

The Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS) by Crisis Services Canada, enables callers anywhere in Canada to access crisis support by phone, in French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7. You do not need to be suicidal to access this support!

In Australia, Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. 13 11 14 is their confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone, or mobile.

In New Zealand, call 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354) or text HELP (4357) for free, 24/7, confidential crisis support or suicide prevention.

In the UK or the Republic of Ireland, contact Samaritans any time, from any phone, on 116 123.

In other parts of the world, you can find resources listed here.

I hope that this hasn’t brought anyone down, but if even one life is saved, or even one moment of despair is lightened, because of this post, it’s worth it.

May the peace of the season be with you always!

The Becker Family