Reflections on a painful year - Dr. Marty Becker


Reflections on a painful year

Thursday, Dec 17th, 2020 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Rockey and Valdie

In just a few weeks, our world has turned upside down. As those who follow me on social media already know, we lost Teresa’s beloved older brother, Rockey, to COVID, and I nursed her 95-year-old mother, Valdie, through the same disease.

Rockey was developmentally delayed and while he was 72 years old, he had the heart and mind of a 6-year-old child. We are facing our first Christmas without his joy and love, and the pain is paralyzing. If you’d like to know the full story, our daughter, Mikkel, made a powerful video that was spotted and picked up by ABC National News.

But while we are dealing with our sorrow, there is still joy in our lives. We are surrounded by family, and Mikkel and our granddaughter, Reagan, quarantined themselves for a full two weeks so they could join us for the holidays. Valdie is recovering beautifully, and of course, QT Pi Becker is on the job, making sure no more tragedies befall us.

We’d like you to know that you are all in our prayers and thoughts this holiday season, and as we approach the end of the this terrible year. May your New Year be bright!

Wags, meows, and the occasional neigh,

The Beckers