It’s currently Adopt a Senior Pet Month, and as the proud Dad of three senior dogs, I can tell you these “golden oldies” are a treasure beyond price. While it can be hard to imagine our beloved dogs growing old and facing the health problems that come with age, if you’re blessed enough to have a long-lived pet, eventually you will have to face Father Time together.
The good news is, growing old doesn’t mean your dog’s qualify of life has to decrease. Below are three challenges your pooch may face as he ages, and with your help, he’ll face those challenges head on!
- Blindness. Dogs actually handle losing their eyesight very well. As long as they know their way around the house and yard, they’ll develop a walking route that works for them. Try to avoid creating changes in the house to keep your dog feeling secure. You can even purchase “dog halos” that will encircle your dog’s head and keep him from bumping into things, just like the Muffin’s Halo in the photo we got for our beloved Shakira!
- Deafness. This is another old-age ailment that most dogs handle well. The biggest concern is making sure your dog knows someone is about to approach him. Sudden, surprising contact can make your dog jump and maybe even nip. Make sure everyone who has contact with your dog knows to announce their presence with a sharp clap or heavy footfalls.
- Leaking. Overnight incontinence can be very upsetting for your pooch. Remember to never yell or punish an incontinent dog — they’re not doing this on purpose! Make sure you take her out right before bedtime and put a water-absorbent material in his bedding, like an incontinence pad or a rubber-backed mat.
Always discuss any aging aches and pains with your veterinarian! With your help and understanding, your dog’s golden years will be quiet and full of love.