Medicating your pet doesn't have to make you miserable - Dr. Marty Becker


Medicating your pet doesn’t have to make you miserable

Monday, Jan 26th, 2015 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Stella3Veterinarians make it seem like magic. There’s a pill and a pet, and somehow the pill ends up inside the pet.

But it never seems that easy for you. Cats know exactly when you’re trying to give them medication and disappear. Dogs are a little easier – at least until you realize he ate the treat you gave him, but left the pill!

Veterinarians face many challenges when they’re trying to help your pet, and one of the biggest is… you.

If you can’t follow through with medications, chances are you and your pet are both going back to the vet’s office. What can you do to make the process easier?

Make pill-time less stressful for your dog or cat by starting with a positive attitude. Don’t anticipate failure! Your pet will know if you approach them with dread and defeat. After you pill your pet, reward them with a treat and praise.

You can also talk to your vet about new technologies or alternatives to pills. Compounding pharmacies can turn pills into tasty liquids that are much easier to administer. Some medications are available as trans-dermal prescriptions, which are applied to the pet’s skin.

Whatever you do, give all prescriptions to the end of the supply and exactly as they are prescribed. If your pet hasn’t improved after you’ve given all the medication, you must call your veterinarian.

And if you’re struggling, ask for help! Your veterinarian wants your pet to get well, and can only help if she knows there’s a problem.