Rest in peace, Dr. Sophia Yin - Dr. Marty Becker


Rest in peace, Dr. Sophia Yin

Monday, Sep 29th, 2014 | By Dr. Marty Becker

It is with a heart almost too heavy to allow me to write this that I announce that my friend, colleague, and Fear-Free Advisory Board member Dr. Sophia Yin has passed away.

Sophia was brilliant, passionate, and dedicated to easing the stress and fear that pets feel at the veterinary clinic or in shelters, and this is a major loss to animals.

Sophia and her team were revolutionizing animal handling with her Stress Less materials and teaching, and I think the greatest gift all of us could give her is to honor her memory by working doggedly to make sure her vision becomes reality.

Rest in peace, Sophia. You leave a hole in our hearts and in the world.